Our Church Covenant

Having been led by the Spirit of God to receive Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and to give ourselves gladly to Him as the Lord of our lives, we solemnly and joyfully affirm our covenant with God and with each other.
We shall seek to serve Christ in the fellowship of this congregation, endeavoring to love one another as brethren, to counsel one another with brotherly concern, to remember each other in prayer, and to endeavor with tenderness and sympathy to bear each other’s burdens and to share each other’s joys.
We shall seek to be obedient to Christ in our daily living, observing private and family devotions, striving within our homes, at work and at leisure to reveal attitudes and actions which will reflect God’s Spirit working through us.
Believing that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, we shall endeavor to avoid experiences and habits which defile the body and hinder our witness for Christ.
Bound together in the fellowship of faith with all who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we shall endeavor to support our witness as a congregation with our time, talent and means as God enables us. We pledge our support of our missionaries at home and abroad. Following the example of our Lord, we will seek to minister to all human and spiritual needs of our fellow men.
Acknowledging our human frailty and ever-seeking forgiveness, we profess our need of the Holy Spirit’s guidance and commit our lives to Jesus Christ, and through Him to the care, judgment, deliverance and mercy of Almighty God. Amen.